Monday, 28 May 2007

city stroll

I guess I should blog a bit more often to keep the activity level higher. I've noticed that it's been substantially more sluggish than usual. My fault, I know. I just haven't felt like posting anything up in the last week and a bit. I blame it on exams. =)

And the weather of course. It's been really windy and chilly for quite a while now which explains my lack of blogging.

So today I took time off and decided to hang out with Taz since I wouldn't really have time over the coming weeks. I reckon I had a pretty good time. Apart from chocolate time @ Max Brenner, we basically walked around the city, me as the tour guide. According to Taz, I failed as a tour guide, thanks to the whale/fish incident.

Taz: It's a fish.

Me: No, it's a whale.

Taz: No, it's a long eel.

Me: It looks like a long whale.

A little while later...after following the "fish" artwork on the ground, we agreed that it was a very long eel. oh well. so much for trying to convince Taz it was a whale.

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