Tuesday 27 February 2007

I'm hooked onto these songs at the moment. Nickelback is awesome.

Nickelback - If everyone cared

Hinder - Lips of an angel

The Fray - How to save a life (Grey's Anatomy)

Monday 26 February 2007

mad monday

I'm not going to delight you guys with pics today. I'm taking a break from photos for now. And while I'm at it, maybe stop blogging for a week just to annoy sam.

First day back at uni and I was already late for my lecture. talk about being punctual. Not that I missed much. It was all intros and going through the unit outline, stuff like that. Campus centre was a madhouse. Everyone was queuing for their much-better-looking-than-last-year's student diary. It's pretty cool. horror movie style font.

Met the same old people (some of them) and one guy that used to go to the same school. Carried heavy books (to sell) and carried heavy books home (that I bought). Very heavy day. Textbooks are part of the reason why students go broke (apart from petrol costs and drinks).

Besides that, same old, same old really.

Pudder's Law:
Anything that begins well will end badly
(Note: the converse of Pudder's Law is not true)

Friday 23 February 2007

I'm currently suffering from post-work-depression. I can't believe I'm already missing work. Looks like i'm turning into a workaholic. *sigh*. It's just like coming back from an awesome holiday and you have to go back to school the next day but you wish you were back on hols.


Thursday 22 February 2007

lucky to be me

WHee!! I'm work free for another semester. Well office work that is. It's back to book-hugging now. (tune in to D's book-hugging adventures starting 26/02/07)

Today was my last day at Amcor. It sure was a quick 12 weeks. I can hang up my business suits and start wearing normal clothes again. =) The best part is that I don't have to get up at 7.30 monday to friday.Ok...I was exaggerating a fair bit. work is not all that bad so much so that I'm happy to leave. It's just exhausting. I want my student life back (and for a few more years). But today was great. They all made a big fuss of me leaving. like I was royalty a VIP. Most of today was about me and I was only there for 3 months.

Coz I won't be able to make it to lunch at the Grand Hotel tomorrow (they're going bowling after that...relaxation day for employees), we had this small lunch at the nearby shopping centre while gossiping about stuff...a farewell lunch type-of-thing. Can't believe I'm going to miss lunch and bowling...when it's on the company.

Then when I least expected it, my manager had the whole group come round to my office (a bit of a squeeze) for a little farewell speech, and then I got this:

A cute leaving card...

...that doubles up as a cert with a few messages in it

And this:

a gift card for use in a Sanity music/dvd store

AUD$80.00 worth of music and movies!!! 0.0

My jaw literally dropped when I opened it. I pretty much got the full treatment of an actual employee who's leaving and I'm only a student.

Tell you what...I consider myself lucky to have spent my summer holiday working at Amcor. I've learnt heaps of stuff and gained a bit of experience not to mention getting to know quite a few really nice people.

The fruit baskets will be sorely missed. As well as choccy-biscuit fridays and the morning tea's and lunches. Most of all, my co-workers.

Tuesday 20 February 2007

CNY? What CNY??!!

Chinese New Year here can't be compared to that in Brunei. The atmosphere here is like any other day (except if you happen to be in Chinatown) plus it isn't really recognized here which means there isn't a public holiday for CNY.

okay...maybe i haven't really made an effort to go around and watch some lion dances. I happen to know that there was a lion dance at Crown on saturday night, which of course I didn't bother to go. The last time I saw one here was 2 years ago, under the hot sun.

But that's besides the point. See...I don't get to visit relatives/friends, or get any ang paus (kind of feel a bit old for that), or get invited to open houses. At least i had some sort of a reunion dinner last saturday night. If you can call it a reunion dinner.


3 more days 2 1/2 days and i'm off work!! No more sitting in front of a computer and fiddling with spreadsheets or formulas or figures. =) I'll probably miss it a little but hey, I want my student life back.

It's way more fun being a student that working full-time. Anyone who's been working full-time for more than 5 years can vouch for that. The only problem with being a student is that you're always broke.

not enough $$$

or no $$$ at all. when you're working, at least you don't have to worry too much about your bank account...unless it has a hole as huge as the ozone layer or your cash inflow rate < cash outflow rate.


Random speak:

Melbourne city council has taken small steps toward recognizing same sex relationships according to the age today. I don't have anything against gay people but I have to say that the photo of the two
gay accountants was rather gross.

Sunday 18 February 2007

Sculptures galore! part 2

I was in a pretty good mood today so I said alright, i'll go out and take some pretty pics for you all to look at. So you'd better appreciate it. NaH...just kidding. Should not be so ganas and scare everyone away.


Cow up a tree. I dunno how it got up there but it sure ain't coming down anytime soon!

ROCKS!! three wave rocks. I want one for my bedroom.

Sea dragon. Actually...it sort of looks like a kangaroo with seaweed bits all over. hah..that sounds extremely ridiculous.

some modern design thing with an eyeball in the centre. If the eyeball was a glowing orangey-red, it'd look like the eye in Lord of the Rings .

stone stalacmites. they're a bit too even though. ooh...i know...maybe they're meant to be spikes for torturing people.

acrobats. at least they look like acrobats. naked acrobats to be precise.

I was going to post up another obscene sculpture but it's all black and you can't really see anything so i decided against it. At least i got to see it. haha.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Sculptures galore!

You know what? My mind is totally and utterly blank atm. I logged in to me blogspot wanting to blog abt sth...and now my mind is a complete blank. Brain freeze. bleh.

So wht's been happening the last few days? hmm...as usual i suppose. Except that it's been pretty hot. Okayyy...things are obviously not working out. Don't think my currently blank mind will unblank anytime soon so i'll get on with it and let it be as painless as possible for the handful of readers that I have.

I went out today and got a few pretty snaps of the sculpture exibition they're having at the moment close to my work area. It's not great photography but check them out.

Giant bone for a giant dog

I have no idea what this thing is. Reminds me of the treble clef.

My favourite...half nekked women in dressing gowns. It's a bit obscene but...interesting.

Umm...money plant? Looks like the plant I have in KB but with a lot less leaves. Btw...you're meant to be looking at the three sticks thingy not the bushy shrub next to it

Replica of the white eagle in the city. That's a little man in front of the eagle...if you haven't noticed.

More sculptures coming soon. Maybe tomorrow...if i can be bothered.

My purse balance as at Saturday, Feb 17th. 2007

Mixture of Singapore and Australian coins. Don't ask me why i have s'pore coins in my purse

I desperately need to pay a visit to the atm coz I won't be getting far with that amount of loose change.

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Saint Valentine

I managed to spot 47 bunches of flowers today. Huge bunches, single stalk, fake roses, the works. Valentine's Day is so commercialised now, it's just like christmas (but only lasts for one day); what with greeting cards and gifts, retail stores sure make a lot of money out of it.

Wikipedia says it all boils down to Saint Valentine (more like the two Valentines). I don't really harbour any angst against valentine's day. The only issue is that singles are more likely to be 100 times more conscious of their relationship status on this particular day than on any other day. And possibly exacerbates depression and emotional stress.

Just in case you were wondering, I won't be getting into any of the girls-are-so-materialistic-and-expect-so-much-from-their-bf's-on-v'day stuff. I'm sure you've all seen/heard/read those discussions before. so cheers then!

P.S Hope you have a nice valentine's day...single or not

Monday 12 February 2007

Have you realized that post-911, you're guaranteed a slot of either war or terrorism or both on major news channels like BBC and CNN? It's usually the first topic on the main headlines. Which pretty much tells us what the world has come to (or how much emphasis the media puts on the topic). We humans (or the war-loving human species) will never learn to make peace. If it isn't Hitler and his Nazi's, it's the Japanese. If it's not them, then it's the US and Iraq.

I don't reckon Saddam's execution did anything for the world except perhaps to show that the US likes to be in power and to signify a milestone in the war against iraq. And also for the Iraqi's...first step towards democracy. Then again, it was Saddam who built up his country's economy in the 1970's.

For me, however...life has not changed whatsoever by the execution of some president.

On a lighter note, i wasn't feeling too good today so i took a half-day off work. My manager said not to bother coming in tomorrow if i'm still not feeling so well. Temptation.


Best actress award: Dame Helen Mirren
I want to watch The Queen.

So much for trying to rent/buy dvd's. Renting one dvd costs as much as buying a pirated one. Well...at least the quality is better. And I don't plan to buy pirated dvd's anyway.

Saturday 10 February 2007

material things

dIScONNECTED's top 5 fav material possessions as at 10/02/07 (subject to availability...terms and conditions apply)

In fifth place...is the pair of lime green saucer-eyed slippers. They remind me of the googly eyed stickers that I used to have for sticking onto my artistic creations - the ones that have the moving eyeballs. Care for an extra two pair of eyes, anyone?

Coming in at #4 is the Botanicals shower gel. Great smell, keeps you fresh and clean. I've actually got a lime flavoured gel but that one's half empty =D

Taking the 3rd spot is...the Body Shop's Brazil Nut Body Butter. Yep, it's great for the times when my skin goes all dry and scaly. Plus...it smells heavenly *drools*. Good enough to eat. It keeps my chocolate cravings down anyway.

#2 are Kelsi and Kaya - puppies in training. My very own Kleenex guide dogs (for use when i'm 60 with poor eyesight). Aren't they just adorable?? Now you're wishing that you can stick your hand through the screen and pinch their cheeks. Too bad! They're both MIINNEEE!!!

And lastly, the icing on the cake; taking the #1 spot is...

*drum rolls*

is...*drum rolls again*

my book collection!!

Hah! Bet you're kicking yourself for not guessing.

Friday 9 February 2007

Lisey's Story

so...i've recently read Lisey's story - Stephen King novel. That was the first time i've read a stephen king book and I thought it was pretty good. It's very creative in terms of the writing style as well as the content. No regrets buying and reading it.

This woman whose famous husband-writer died realizes that after so many years, she still hasn't gotten over his death and she still hears her husband all the time as if he's talking to her. It's about the widow's memories of her husband's terrifying childhood; about madness and creativity.

What fascinated me about this novel was the long boy with the piebald side and insanity and magic and the writer's aptitude for originality.

**dIScONNECTED recommends reading Lisey's Story - not for one who can't stand the sight of thick books

bool! the end!

Thursday 8 February 2007

bit too late, no?

I finally had my first OHS induction in a corporate environment yesterday. 9 weeks and a bit is a little too late for that, don't you think? Considering i'll be leaving in about 2 and a half weeks. But at least i got to watch a health and safety powerpoint (and escape an hour of work).

The video really wasn't bad at all. Lots of exaggerations but hey, at least it cracked me up. The lady-who-got-cut-with-a-blade scene was good. One deep gash from being unbelievably careless (and stupid). Some of the footages were exagerrated to the point where you'd imagine the "actors" as cartoon characters.

maybe they'll be a fire drill before i finish up. that'd be so cool.

apart from that...i'd have to scribble a no, thank you on the induction sheet where it asks if i'm interested in joining the safety comittee.

down the shithole

I surprised myself today. By doing a couple of things. Stuff that i'd not normally do:-

  1. ventured into the world of blogging which i previously thought were for the pale, withdrawn and depressed (never mind the fact that i used to have a xanga site).
  2. listened to and actually liked emo songs...panic at the disco, green day, my chemical romance etcetc.

why? do i hear a voice asking why i started exploring the unexplored? fine...no one asked. But i'll tell you why anyway. 'coz i was pissed. I've learnt that listening to emo/rock/punk type music helps when you're mad. oh when you put on your headphones...make sure to turn the volume up high. works much better that way. so that other ppl can go on talking without realizing that you're not listening to them...teehee.

then if you're still in a pissy mood...i suggest getting some ice cream therapy. preferably mint choc chip.