Thursday, 26 April 2007


I kind of miss playing the piano, now that I don't have one. All those years of music lessons...kind of seems like a waste to throw that all away. I mean I'm not doing it on purpose but actually buying a piano would set me back by...a lot. Maybe one day...when I've loads of money...then I'd get a grand piano...a black one. Having not practised in years, I'm pretty sure that I would still be able to play a few pieces like I used to...after heaps of practice. The only finger exercises that i get now are from typing up my assignments and blogging.

I've also realized that I will never be a violinist. Actually I realized that a long time ago. That was when i decided to give up on it. It was a bit too painful (literally) for myself and those who had to bear with my "practise sessions", which mainly involved me producing noise that would probably wake Beethoven up from the dead.

Art is another thing that I miss doing. Believe it or not.

I haven't picked up a paintbrush since it stopped being a compulsory subject. I mean I'm not exactly and art fanatic but I remember liking half the drawings I did at school. That was when Mr. Ronnie taught us. I'm sure most of you would remember him, eh?? wonder where he is now.

Those were the good old days. This is making me feel much much older.

Form 3 rocked!!

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