Friday, 6 April 2007

How I spent Good Friday

I got up at around 6.30 this morning and it was freezing cold. I'm more of a warm-blooded person. Don't think I'll be able to survive in Alaska or North Pole even with 10 layers of clothing on. But then the ice caps are melting at a substantial rate so maybe I'll actually be able to in say...50 years time...maybe.

I didn't really do much today except to watch Mr. Bean. Apparently lots of people had the same agenda, hence the long queue at the ticket booth (and slightly stressed staff - I can definitely relate).

The movie was pretty funny, which was expected. But I thought that the number of disasters he had to go through was too much. At least Mr. Bean is still very much anti-social, a bit nasty and British.

Here's the highlight of the day. I caught the tram home like any ordinary day when a lady got on and walked to the seat opposite me. I wasn't paying much attention to her when suddenly...


she fell forwards onto me (the tram happened to lurch forward when she was about to sit). Good thing my reflex isn't too slow or I would've been squashed.

It was hilarious (to me). A bit embarassing for her. But we all survived.

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