Friday, 16 March 2007

busy-ness + lazy-ness = no blogs

I was meant to post up six weird things about myself b'coz I was tagged but I got busy *coughs* so I've sort of left my blog hanging. This post is so long overdue that if it were a block of cheese, it'd be so mouldy, it'd look like something out of a year 9 science experiment that went wrong.

Okay...that was a bit too much of an exaggeration. And don't ask me how blogs relate to cheese.

6 weird things about myself (something like that)

  1. I talk to myself half the time. And to things that aren't alive and imaginary things. I don't know why; I just do. It's a weird habit and I don't know how it started.
  2. I love walking around and exploring new places even when I'm alone. I'd sit on some random tram and see where it takes me or I'd walk down a different street from the one I'd normally take. That's how I get lost sometimes. But no biggie. I always find my way back.
  3. I have twitchy feet. They sort of tap when I'm listening to music. And they twitch when I'm in bed sometimes. Just before I fall asleep.
  4. I hate it when people tell me that I look like someone else coz I like being my own person (flaws and all). Therefore, please don't tell me that my sister looks like me. I've had my share of that.
  5. I like sleeping with background noise like soft music or cars on the freeway. I find it soothing although most (old) people complain that the noise affects their sleep.
  6. I'm a what if person. I have a tendency to imagine myself falling into the river if i happen to be walking by a river. Or getting hit by a car if I'm crossing the road. It's a bit scary to have an imagination like that but I can assure you that I don't wish to die yet. I'm too young to die.Phew...I've finally reached six. Never thought I'd make it. Well that's out of the way...let's move on to other things. Oh and I'm not going to tag 6 people coz they've all probably been tagged anyway so there really isn't any point.


You know how you get frustrated sometimes and you just want space? When you're really pissed, tired, crabby, etc etc. Well...sometimes I feel like that. Leave me alone by the Veronicas sums it up pretty well.

Here's a snippet of their song:


Leave me alone
Get out of my face
I'm tired and low, and
Feelin' so misplaced
Time for you to go
Coz I know I'm better off on my own

Leave me alone
This isn't gonna work
Don't call me on the phone
I'm all out of words
I'll face the unknown
Thinkin' about all the ways that I've grown

I bought their cd btw. Just recently. It's cool.


Guess what? I went to the casino last night. Nothing really special about it except that it's pretty big with lots of lights and lots of slot machines, roulette tables, blackjack table and all that. Not to mention heaps of smokers near the club. Surprisingly, the security people didn't ask to see my ID. I actually wanted them to stop me so I can whip out my ID with a smirk that says 'Hah, I'm legally allowed in the casino so you can't kick me out'.

At least now I can say that I've been to a casino. After all, I am 18.

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